Your paper coffee cup is poisoning you

You probably go to your favorite coffee shop on a weekly basis, enjoying that nice cup of coffee but if you're using standard coffee shop paper cup - in reality you're drinking liquid microplastics.
So what? Well, for starters your traditional coffee cup where you drink your hot coffee or tea from is usually lined with polyethylene (PE). That coating helps prevent leaking but it also releases toxic chemicals into your drink. Same goes for similar plastic-like materials for cold drinks like cold brew (polypropylene cups).
Moreover, the manufacturing process of paper cups involves significant chemical treatment and bleaching agents, which not only impacts environmental sustainability but may also leave trace elements that come into contact with your beverages.

There are multiple studies from Turkey, to China, India you name it - all have similar finding how microplastic and toxins leach into your beverage when using disposable cups. (study 1, study 2, study 3)
Effect of micro plastic to our bodies: disrupts endocrine (hormonal) functions, impacting metabolism, reproduction, and development, disturbs gut microbiome and inflammation and immune response which is linked to cancer. Interestingly enough, a few of those studies also found that if you wash the cup with water before use you can potentially reduce the toxic leaching by about 50%. But the longer your beverage stays in the disposable cup and the warmer is temperature - the leaching of toxins increases.
What to do? Get well made tumbler from safe material and take it with you to coffee shop. That's what I do.
Not sure which one to get? I put together my top 3 favorite tumblers. Stainless steel is best for hotter drinks like coffee. You can also use glass one but glass is for water or cold beverages, less versatile and not as durable, although completely non toxic.
Until next time,
Top 3 tumblers picks below on